Annealing Made Perfect Mark 2 DB Machine

$ 1,675.00


New for 2024 is the MARK II DB (Database)

The guys at AMP have had a lot of feedback on the Mark I and Mark II annealer over the years.They have decided that now is the time to give the Mark II a new interface to make it easier and more intuitive to use. The Mark II DB comes with all the annealing capabilities of the original Mark II with some added benefits and improvements.

Firstly, and most obviously they have removed the old buttons and LCD interface and replaced them with a more modern touch screen (Similar in feel to a smart phone). They have also added a more powerful processor which allows the user to store many programs that have been generated previously.

Users can now analyze a case using AZTEC mode and then once the setting is generated, name and save that setting which can be loaded for future use.

Changing between annealing settings now is as fast as swapping out the pilot.

They have simplified the feel of the annealer by making animations, text and layout clear and to the point, which we feel will enhance the ergonomics of the annealer greatly. 

In order to pass FCC/EMC and electrical safety testing there are additional internal shielding enclosures which isolate the screen from any source of high voltage. 

One major benefit of these enclosures is that this touch screen will be user replaceable. If there is a problem with the touch screen for whatever reason, say you drop something heavy on it and crack it, you don’t need to have it shipped back to them to fix. Now you can simply remove the old one and install a new one.

Another small update they have made is changing over to the much more abundant USB-C type port replacing the antiquated USB printer port.

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