28 products
TOAKS was established in 2011 in Thousand Oaks, California. They are outdoor enthusiasts and have 20 years of experience in titanium cookware design and production. Along with manufacturing, they innovate, design, engineering and produce their own products. With an astute instinct and passion, they have spent countless hours to seek the best solution to any problem that crosses their way, and make their dreams tangible realities their customers may use in any arbitrary situation.
Titanium is light and strong and is the most effective material for outdoor gear. TOAKS is specialized in titanium cookware, cutlery, stoves, flasks, tent stakes, and windscreens. TOAKS provides a variety of sleek cookware and backpacking gear ideal for the ultralight hiker and backyard lounger alike. Toaks’ have the light-weightedness outdoor enthusiasts need, as every ounce in their counts as a burden on their journeys, whether they are ten miles long or a hundred.
